Get the look para quarta-feira chuvosa

casaco: Alice & Olivia, saia: Atroz, bolsa: YSL, sapato: Valentino, relógio: Carteir para Manoel Bernardes, brincos: Aparecida Jóias, cinto: Balmain

calça: C&A, blusa: H&M, bolsa: Valentino, baton: Chanel, sapato: Louboutin, pusleira: Tiffany Iguatemi, relógio: Rolex para Manoel Bernardes

2 comentários:

Cristina Vianna disse...

Ei kika, adoro qd vc posta esses looks! Fico esperando para me inspirar. Beijão!

Anônimo disse...

Do you feel like you have tried everything possible in order to lose weight? You are not alone--many people have the same problem. The following article is designed to give you tips that you may not have even known existed. By following these tips, you will reach your weight loss goal in no time.